





從2002到2003年,將近10個月的時間,PETA的調查員隱藏身分在Sinclair Research Center,受僱於Iams(愛慕思)的實驗室裡工作。PETA調查員發現在Iams寵物食品清新、健康的包裝下,隱藏的是黑暗且骯髒的秘密。在實驗室,被關在鐵籠裡成天對著水泥牆的狗狗瘋掉了、大腿肌肉被砍掉的狗狗成堆地被丟在骯髒、油漆斑駁的地上、狗狗被割掉了聲帶、生了重病的貓狗在毫無獸醫關照的情況下被扔在籠子裡繼續受苦。


美國農業部審核了PETA提出的抗議後表示該實驗室確實沒有提供獸醫照護、沒有提供受苦的動物麻醉或止痛、沒有提供足夠的空間、沒有做好員工教育訓練,該實驗室同時違反了其他40項聯邦動物福利法規範。Siniclair Research Center付出美金$33,000元(相當於一百零五萬六千元台幣)的罰款。

1. Iams順從壓力,切斷與Siniclair Research Center的關係
2. Iams停止所有具侵入性與末端的貓、狗實驗
3. Iams同意開始進行人道的「居家」食物味道實驗

根據Iams表示,實驗中大約70%的動物在家中與飼主同住。在這些實驗中,飼主自願讓寵物在家中居住,參與食品營養成份的實驗。透過訓練,飼主可以輕易 地餵食寵物,並採集寵物的糞便以供實驗室作為參考指標。「居家實驗」已經過奧克拉荷馬州立大學PetSci program證實是有效的。


Iams‭沒有停止以其他(非狗貓)的動物進行侵入性的實驗。Iams贊助Purdue大學將近$200,000美金來進行一項長達兩年的實驗。實驗過程中,老鼠 的尾巴被黏在籠子頂端,而老鼠的後腿部懸掛在空中。這項實驗的目的是為了造成肌肉萎縮。當PETA提出抗議後,該實驗提前終止。

Iams同時也杯葛一公立大學欲發表的研究結果,該研究以人工方式在狗身上引導出痛苦的疾病,而該研究的出資者正是Iams。Iams究竟在隱藏什 麼呢?




成堆的狗隻腿部肌肉被切除 丟在地上





抵制名單:普瑞納(Purina)、寶路(Pedigree)、皇家(Royal Canin)、愛寶(Alpo)、希爾斯(Hills Science Diet)


Nestlé Purina/Friskies:
Alpo, Bonio, Felix, Go Cat, Gourmet,
Omega Complete, Proplan, Spillers, Vital Balance, Winalot.

Pedigree, Masterfoods (Mars Inc):
Bounce, Cesar, Chappie, Frolic, James Wellbeloved, Katkins,
Kitekat, Pal, Pedigree Chum, Royal Canin, Sheba,
Techni-cal (US & Canada), Whiskas.
Pedigree also manufacture Thomas rabbit food and Trill bird food.



For nearly 10‭ ‬months in 2002‭ ‬and early 2003‭, ‬a PETA investigator worked undercover at Sinclair Research Center‭, ‬a laboratory hired by‭ ‬Iams‭, ‬and discovered a dark and sordid secret beneath the wholesome image of the dog‭- ‬and cat-food manufacturer‭. ‬Dogs had gone crazy because they were confined to barren steel cages and cement cells‭, ‬dogs were left piled on a filthy paint-chipped floor after chunks of muscle had been hacked from their thighs‭, ‬dogs were surgically debarked‭, ‬and horribly sick dogs and cats were neglected and left in cages to suffer without any‭ ‬veterinary care‭. ‬

Footage‭ ‬shows that Iams representatives toured the facility and witnessed dogs who were circling in their cells and sweltering in the summer heat‭. ‬Iams knew the truth yet did nothing to protect the animals‭.‬‭ ‬

The U.S‭. ‬Department of Agriculture investigated PETA's complaint and‭ ‬agreed‭ ‬that the laboratory had failed to provide‭ ‬veterinary care and pain relief to suffering animals‭, ‬failed to provide animals with adequate space‭, ‬and failed to train employees—along with nearly 40‭ ‬other violations of the federal‭ ‬Animal Welfare Act‭. ‬Sinclair Research Center paid a penalty of‭ $‬33,000‭ ‬for its violations‭. ‬

After intense pressure from PETA and its supporters‭, ‬Iams agreed to make the following significant changes in its testing program‭:‬‭ ‬
• Iams bowed to pressure and severed its ties with Sinclair Research Center‭. ‬
• Iams ended all invasive and terminal experiments on dogs and cats‭. ‬
• Iams agreed to begin conducting humane in-home tests for palatability studies‭. ‬

According to Iams‭, ‬about 70‭ ‬percent of the animals now in its tests reside at home with their families‭. ‬In these studies‭, ‬people‭ ‬volunteer their companion animals to participate in food and nutrition experiments from the comfort of their own homes‭. ‬The human guardians can easily be trained to feed the animals and properly collect fecal and urine samples for laboratory analysis to determine the quality of the animal's food‭. "‬In-home‭" ‬studies have been shown to work and have strong scientific support‭, ‬as shown by the successful‭ ‬PetSci‭ ‬program‭, ‬which was developed by Dr‭. ‬Charles Abramson and Dr‭. ‬Timothy‭ ‬Bowser of Oklahoma State University‭. ‬

Even so‭, ‬Iams still keeps up to 700‭ ‬dogs and cats in its Dayton‭, ‬Ohio‭, ‬laboratory for non-invasive nutritional studies‭. ‬They claim that this laboratory provides a decent environment for the animals‭, ‬but they refuse to allow a PETA representative to see inside‭. ‬Iams claims that some studies are too complex for in-home programs‭, ‬but PETA urges Iams to collaborate with veterinary clinics for studies such as these‭. ‬Veterinary clinics regularly see patients who suffer from ailments that a particular dog or cat food might help alleviate‭. ‬

Iams has also refused to end invasive experiments on species other than dogs and cats‭. ‬For one study‭, ‬Iams gave Purdue University nearly‭ $‬200,000‭ ‬to conduct a two-year study in which experimenters taped the tails of mice to the tops of cages to keep their hind legs suspended in the air‭. ‬This was done to cause muscular atrophy—the wasting away of muscle tissue‭. ‬When PETA protested‭, ‬the experiment was cut short‭. ‬


Iams has also fought the release of information from a public university that had conducted a study funded by the company in which a painful disease was induced in dogs‭. ‬What was Iams hiding‭? ‬

Iams has made progress‭, ‬but as an industry leader‭, ‬it must send an even clearer message‭: ‬No animal deserves the fate of those who remain in their laboratories‭. ‬Safe‭, ‬healthy cat and dog food does not require harming cats and dogs‭. ‬

PETA continues to press Iams to ban conducting and‭ ‬funding invasive or terminal experiments on all species and to adopt 100‭ ‬percent humane‭, ‬non-invasive‭, ‬and cage-free‭ "‬in-home‭" ‬testing‭, ‬as many of Iams‭' ‬compassionate competitors‭ ‬have done‭. ‬

Until‭ ‬Iams agrees‭, ‬we urge consumers to purchase dog and cat food from‭ ‬companies that do not test on animals‭. ‬In the meantime‭, ‬read about some other‭ ‬ways you can help‭ ‬the millions of animals every year who are abused and inadequately cared for‭, ‬all in the name of research‭.‬

Reference: PETA




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